Congratulations to everyone who participated in the Brainfreeze over the weekend! Be sure to scroll all way to the very bottom of this edition to check out photos of the event submitted by Times readers! In this week's Q&A we're learning more about an upcoming Brainsport Running Academy course that may be perfect for you, or somebody you know who's interested in getting to know the fundamentals of running within an encouraging and welcoming environment. Coach Cara Mazurak is here with the scoop on this course. So let's get to it! Q&A with Cara Mazurak Tara: Before we get into some of the specifics of the upcoming Learn To Run course, would you mind telling us a bit about your background as an athlete and coach? Cara: I became a runner about 15 years ago. I had lost 65 pounds and decided I wanted to start running. I joined a 10K running clinic and...