Whether you're all about running, or more into the swim, bike, run trio, there are plenty of big-time events to look forward to in the fall season. Berlin and New York marathons come to mind, and on the triathlon the Ironman World Championship in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii stands out as the main event. In this week's Times we're introducing you to a locally-born and raised triathlete we can all get behind this season - David Stirling. If you're a regular at the Brainsport Run Club you may have run with him, and likely you know his wonderful mom Jan who's a Run Club mainstay. On Oct. 8 David will be lining up with the best in the sport at Kona. Q&A with David Stirling Tara: First, let’s start with a bit of background. How did you get your start racing in triathlons? David: My very first triathlon was a Kids of Steel event back in Saskatoon, where we swam at the Harry...