YourSaskatoon Blogs
Brainsport Times Sept 28, 2016
Whether you're all about running, or more into the swim, bike, run trio, there are plenty of big-time events to look forward to in the fall season. Berlin and New York marathons come to mind, and on the triathlon the Ironman World Championship in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii stands out as the main event.
In this week's Times we're introducing you to a locally-born and raised triathlete we can all get behind this season - David Stirling. If you're a regular at the Brainsport Run Club you may have run with him, and likely you know his wonderful mom Jan who's a Run Club mainstay. On Oct. 8 David will be lining up with the best in the sport at Kona.
Q&A with David Stirling
Tara: First, let’s start with a bit of background. How did you get your start racing in triathlons?
David: My very first triathlon was a Kids of Steel event back in Saskatoon, where we swam at the Harry Bailey Aquatic Centre, then biked and ran around the area after. After that I didn't race again until moving up to Fort McMurray in 2011, where I got involved with the triathlon club up here and competed in three triathlons the summer of 2012, the local sprint, the Kelowna Apple Triathlon, and then I did the Subaru Sprint in Banff.
Tara: You’re working in Alberta, what is your connection to Saskatoon, and Brainsport?
David: My connection to Saskatoon is that I was born and raised there. I graduated from Evan Hardy Collegiate in 2005 after which I moved around Western Canada for school and work until moving up to Fort McMurray in January 2011. My parents still reside there and are very active in the running community and with Brainsport. Often when I come home, I will stop in there and purchase my shoes from there as the service is great and I know that I can rely on the shoes I purchase there.Tara: When did you realize you had the potential to compete at the level you've now reached?
David: I think anyone has the potential to race an Ironman. It just takes a ridiculous amount of time to train, with lots of sacrifice from both you and the loved ones in your life. The long days and rides are not only very taxing on the body, but also personal relationships. You have to want to push yourself harder and farther than you thought was possible when you started. You have to be willing to spend hours on a bike when it would be easy to be on a patio drinking a beer. And, you have to be willing to run and train in all elements, even when you don't want to.

Tara: What has your preparation for Kona looked like?
David: Preparation for Kona has been a long, challenging road. I was originally suppose to race my first Ironman in Whistler this past July, but because of my job as a firefighter with the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (Fort McMurray) my training was derailed by the wildfires that tore through our town destroying more than 1500 homes and taking two lives in an accident that was connected to the evacuation. With this fire, my race changed to a Half Ironman in Whistler and I was then going to race in Louisville, KY. However, in Whistler there was a Subaru Canada contest to nominate an athlete who had completed a Subaru Ironman or Half Ironman event to go race in Kona. I was blessed with winning this nomination out of more than 2000 nominees. From there my coach increased my training to prepare me for the heat, with longer bikes, and longer runs and more frequency. I’ve been practicing my nutrition to get it dialed in for Kona - a course that is very hot and requires that you have your nutrition strong or else you run the risk of bonking or hitting the wall, where your body just can't find the fuel to continue.
Tara: Is there anything else you would like to add?
David: I recently found a YouTube video that is a very accurate description of how ridiculous Ironman athletes are and the sacrifices we make. It is a tongue-in-cheek clip that nails all the realities on the head for age group racers. Here is the link:
Michael Phelps (MP) representative visit to Brainsport
This upcoming Saturday come learn all there is to know about the latest swim equipment! The Michael Phelps (MP) rep is is going to be at Brainsport from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to answer all your questions. We look forward to seeing you there!
Brainsport Running Academy
Brainsport Running Academy fall sessions begin soon in preparation for the annual Gingerbread Run on Nov. 20!
Check out the great line-up of programs for varying levels of runners, from those just getting started, to others looking to up their running game. Qualified coaches will guide you through a running program developed just for the Brainsport Running Academy. You'll also hear from expert speakers on important topics like nutrition, injury prevention and massage.
Learn to Run with Tarrant Crosschild - Welcome fitness into your life! This 8 week program will take you from 30 minutes of walking to 30 minutes of running in a fun, safe and inclusive environment. $90 Monday nights at 6 o'clock, starting on September 26.
10k with Pat Somerville - Run your best 10k ever with the help of this challenging and rewarding 9 week course. $120 Tuesday nights at 6 o'clock, starting on September 20.
Learn to Run with Jen Kripki - Beginners welcome! Take your first steps towards a lifetime of running during this 8 week course. The program will help you progress from 30 minutes of walking to 30 minutes of running. $90 Wednesday nights at 6 o'clock, starting on September 28.
For more information and register go to
*There is still time to sign up for clinics. Please contact Brainsport if you are interested.
Rosetown Harvest Hustle
How about a fun run with your turkey this Thanksgiving weekend? Run 2k, 5k or 10k on Sunday, Oct. 9 and help raise money for the Rosetown Youth Centre. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. Run begins at 9:30 a.m. For more information and to pre-register go to http://www.
The Gingerbread Run
Registration opens for the 2016 Gingerbread Run opens mid-morning on Oct. 1. Go to the Brainsport webpage and follow the prompts to register. Race day is Nov. 20 - save the date and get ready to catch that Gingerbread Man!
Running Tour of King George Neighbourhood
The SRRA is hosting a free running tour of the King George Neighborhood on Nov. 5. Starting time is 10 a.m. Participants are asked to arrive by 9:45 at Wolf Willow Co-Housing at 530 Avenue J South at 17th Street. Subjects of the tour will include: King George School, Gordie Howe, Don Freed and Conversion of Rails to Trails - plus more.
SRRA Annual General Meeting
The Saskatoon Road Runners Association's annual general meeting is being held on Nov. 5 at 11 a.m. This year's meeting will be held at Wolf Willow Co-Housing at 530 Avenue J South at 17th Street. Complimentary lunch will be served at noon.
TRX Strength for Runners & Triathletes
Gain strength and alignment in the off-season with a focus on swim, bike and run movement patterns. Sessions will also include recovery techniques for injury prevention. Coached by Carly Priebe, certified triathlon and running coach with experience coaching at international level. Classes are Thursdays from 7:15 a.m. to 8 a.m. for six weeks through September and October.
Go to for more information.
Product of the Week
MP XCEED Goggles

If you're on the hunt for a competition goggle the MP XCEED may just be a perfect fit! We need not look any further than to the endorsement provided by Michael Phelps himself on the MP website.
"The XCEED goggles are the best goggles that I have ever worn - they are super comfortable and he vision is insane. The ability to see so clearly with incredible peripheral vision allows me to see the wall and other swimmers underwater unlike ever before." - Michael Phelps
Don't forget the MP rep will be at Brainsport from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. this Saturday to answer any questions you may have about the XCEED, or any other MP products.
Thanks for reading the Times this week . . gotta run . . .Tara
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