Happy belated Thanksgiving to everyone! Hopefully you all had a wonderful long weekend and are ready to get back at it this week. We're excited to have Leanne Parsons, co-founder of Breath Move Be, offering Yoga For Runners classes in our Community Room this month. In this week's Q&A we talk to Leanne to learn more about what the classes are all about. Q&A with Leanne Parsons Tara: Before we get into the specifics of yoga for runners, would you mind filling us in on your background in yoga and running? Leanne: Of course, I have been practicing yoga regularly since 2007, the same year I took up running. I never thought I would be a runner and when I tried it I found I loved it. I have completed a number of 5K, 10K and half marathon races. And yoga is a wonderful counterbalance to any sport. In fact I loved it...