We have an exciting evening coming up this week! On Friday, April 15 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. you're all invited to the Brainsport Run Club/Academy Appreciation Night. To fill us in on all the details we'll be speaking with Brian in this week's Q&A. So, let's get right to it! Q&A with Brian Michasiw Tara: What’s was the motivation to present this evening of appreciation? Brian: We want to give our loyal customers an opportunity to gear up for the Saskatchewan Marathon event. As a token of our appreciation we’ll have an extra special discount on Friday evening. Tara: The timing of the appreciation night is very intentional. Can you elaborate on why you think it’s important to offer this discount at this time? Brian: I was in Victoria for the Victoria Marathon a few years ago and I looked at my shoes and noticed the...