We have a nice shift in gears in this edition of the Brainsport Times. In this week's Q&A we'll be speaking with Stephan Bourassa, a local occupational therapist, who's starting up a very important program here in Saskatoon for children with a wide range of challenges. There's a lot to talk about, so let's get right to it! Q&A with Stephan Bourassa Tara: As an occupational therapist you have worked with kids of many different ages and abilities. Can you give us a bit of background about your work? And, your running? Stephan: You bet! After working with injured adults for 12 years, I needed a change. After seeing the magic of the growth and development of my own young children, I decided to step out on my own and established Milestones Occupational Therapy for Children, a private pediatric Occupational Therapy practice in Saskatoon. I work with children and youth with a...