YourSaskatoon Blogs
Brainsport Times Oct. 26, 2016
Happy election day Saskatoon! Hopefully everyone has the chance to get out and vote - maybe even incorporate it into a run!
In this week's Q&A we're speaking with Tarrant Crosschild about his experience passing along his love of running to his children. His daughter, Jaira, recently ran her way to gold at the provincial cross-country championship and will be representing Saskatchewan next summer at the North American Indigenous Games in Toronto.
Before we get to our interview with Tarrant, if you're interested in volunteering with Team Saskatchewan visit
Q&A with Tarrant Crosschild
Tara: Many in the local running community are familiar with your compelling story, but for those unfamiliar would you mind giving a bit of background about the impact running has had on your life?
Tarrant: For 10 years I battled alcohol and gambling addiction. I wasn't being the husband or the father I was meant to be. In April 2014 I gave up on this battle and attempted to take my own life. I woke up in the hospital and cried for help. I entered a year long residential rehabilitation centre, where I found the love and joy of running again. Running has helped me and continues to help me remain sober. I've learned I can still set goals and strive to achieve them in all areas of my life. I can fix my eyes on the future looking forward to new experiences while not letting my old experiences dictate my future. I’m now being the husband and father that I was meant to be and can be.
Tara: With running holding such a special place in your life, it must feel great to see your children picking up the sport. Your daughter Jaira in particular has taken a real liking to it. Was it a concerted effort by you to get her running?
Tarrant: It's amazing driving home from work and seeing my three sons and daughter running along the Meewasin Trail. I can't help but smile and be proud of them. Jaira is the oldest and she works so hard in her training, I know her younger brothers look up to her. She doesn't have to be told to train she has that desire and determination that motivates her to better herself. There mother has ran for years and they've watched her their entire lives and now they are simply following. Now that I'm back running I'm actually joining them in what they've already been doing.
Tarrant and his daughter Jaira enjoying a run together. Photo by Kinley Crosschild
Tara: What are your thoughts on Jaira’s success at the provincial cross-country championship? How is she handling it?
Tarrant: It's fun watching her warm up preparing for the race. I know when I need to leave her alone and keep distance because she has her game face on and in the zone. So knowing that it's that much more fun to watch her compete. Grade 9 winning the track 3000m and recently the midget 3000m cross country. I and/or her coaches can only tell her so much because ultimately her success is self-driven and up to her. I believe this is why she handles it so well; enjoying the moment then focusing on her next race.
Jaira competing at the Provincial Cross Country Championship. Photo by Louis Christ
Tara: What are your hopes for Jaira’s running career as she moves along through school, and beyond?
Tarrant: My hope for Jaira is simply that she continues to enjoy the sport through training and competition. Setting her own goals and striving to attain them. As a parent I'll support her and make sure Celeste and I help her and encourage her. Her competitors are also her friends and what great friends to have found through competition. This I know will carry on through high school, university and beyond.
Tara: With the North American Indigenous Game coming up in Toronto next year, what are your thoughts on Jaira competing?
Tarrant: The North American Indigenous Games mean so much to us. I had the opportunity to participate in two of the games - fond memories I still have to this day. I've shared them with Jaira and she is looking forward to the games next July. Wearing her Team Saskatchewan jacket walking into the opening ceremonies with her team is definitely something she is looking forward to. Memories in the making that she'll share with her family in the future, and way future.
Every week, at one of Saskatoon's community schools, volunteers and children come together for a running and reading program called Start2Finish. The program aims to break the cycle of poverty by providing ongoing educational support to Saskatoon's at-risk children. You run, read, and share a word of the day with the group of kids. Start2Finish not only allows you the opportunity to give back to the community, and gain a rewarding experience, but also allows you to help children grow in a positive way. If you are interested in giving a couple hours of your time to read and run with these children please email: http://
Triathlon Training
Transition Sport & Fitness Fall Triathlon Program starts Nov. 1. Whether you're training for your first or fifty-first triathlon, this program is designed to help you achieve your goals. All abilities welcome, including beginners. No bike or fancy equipment required. Register online at
The Distance Group or Personalized Coaching is also available for anyone wanting to take their swim, bike, or run training to the next level. Visit www.transitionsportandfitness.cafor more info on all programs.
Leopold's Tavern
There's a new place in the Broadway district to grab some well deserved food and drink after those long runs. Leopold's Tavern now open at 616 10th street E. Great food, great beers and good times! Open 7 days a week from 11 a.m. -2 a.m. with full menu util close. Bring something to pin up on the walls - you'll see . . .
Yoga for Runners
BreathMoveBe is offering six more weeks of yoga for runners this season. Classes will be held from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. from Nov. 8 to Dec. 13 at 615 2nd Ave. N. Saskatoon. For more information contact Leanne Parsons: (306) 251-2964 http://
Running Tour of King George Neighbourhood
The SRRA is hosting a free running tour of the King George Neighborhood on Nov. 5. Starting time is 10 a.m. Participants are asked to arrive by 9:45 at Wolf Willow Co-Housing at 530 Avenue J South at 17th Street. Subjects of the tour will include: King George School, Gordie Howe, Don Freed and Conversion of Rails to Trails - plus more.
SRRA Annual General Meeting
The Saskatoon Road Runners Association's annual general meeting is being held on Nov. 5 at 11 a.m. This year's meeting will be held at Wolf Willow Co-Housing at 530 Avenue J South at 17th Street. Complimentary lunch will be served at noon.
Product of the Week
Altra Lone Peak 3.0 NeoShell Mid

We have a new boot in stock this year that's sure to please anyone looking to stay active this winter. The Altra Lone Peak Mid is a flexible, fun boot with PolarTec Insulation to keep your feet dry and warm on those cold, cold days. This lightweight, supportive boot can take you on a challenging hike, or a walk to the grocery store in comfort!
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