Tomorrow evening marks the start of the 2016 Saskatoon Road Runners Trail Race Series! In this week's Q&A we speak with the SRRA's Peter Goode to learn more about the series. It's exciting to know these races are for all levels of runners — as long as a conservative approach is taken, which Peter will get to. Also, be sure to check out our "Product of the Week" — we're featuring another great trail shoe (last week was the Hoka One One Speedgoat). Q&A with Peter Goode Tara: For those not familiar, can you tell us more about the SRRA's series of trail races? Peter: The SRRA trail series is about five years old. It began with a fall trail race at Blackstrap Provincial Park, which I had planned as an SRRA end-of -season run and barbeque. It was so popular I decided to plan for three events in the following...