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Brainsport Times Oct 28, 2015

As the first snowflakes of the season start to fall, we're reminded of the Winter ahead. It's enough to make most Canadians shiver at the thought, but not Saskatonians. Our Run Club (as many of you know) goes year round. It's a great opportunity to introduce newcomers to our community, and show how beautiful the Bridge City is — even for winter running!

In this week's Q&A we speak with one of the first-ever members of Run Club — the fabulous Don Cochrane. 
Q&A with Don Cochrane
Tara: Let's start with how you got involved with Run Club. How did you hear about it? And, what motivated you to give it a try?
Don: I coached Brian for about six months when he was in grade 12. He was so successful at the Canadian Junior Trials in June, I decided to retire with an unblemished coaching record! As a result of this first collaboration, we stayed in touch until the time he established his first store. I am sure that he must have told me about his idea of a running club. It seemed like a good thing and so I showed up on the first night. I think there were eight of us!
Tara: What do you think it is about Run Club that continues to make it grow?

Don: The comradery. The encouragement that everyone receives no matter what level they are running or walking at.  Loyalty to Brian and the store where we know we are so well served. The contributions that Brainsport makes to so many events and activities--running and otherwise--in the community. And I think many of us like the idea of supporting an independent store--the best in Canada!

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Tara: Talk a bit about Run Club in the winter — a lot people think it's pretty hardcore to go straight through the year.
Don: Part of it is necessity, part of it is comradery, and part of it is bravado. For example, if you are going to enter the Boston Marathon in early April, you have to start increasing your mileage in mid-January. There is only so much you can do on your treadmill or at the Field House. Good company makes running longer distances much easier. And we like to send photos of ourselves after running at -34 (before wind chill) to "wow" our friends in Vancouver and the ones who have fled south to Arizona. Finally, we know that if we lay off for two or three months, the comeback in the spring is very, very painful. And I know that this pain increases with age!.
Tara: What are your words of wisdom for those who may be wanting to try it out, or who have friends they would like to introduce to Run Club?
Don: The hardest part is putting on your shoes and stepping out the front door. Once you enter Brainsport on a Wednesday evening, you will always find others at your ability level. Together you will reach your dreams.
Upcoming Events:
Leg Speed for Triathletes and Runners
Friday Morning Track Session is a go at the Saskatoon Field House.
24 sessions starting November 6 to December 18, resuming again January 8 to April 29.
Time: 6:45-7:45 a.m. Cost: $360 for all 24 sessions. Minimum of 8 athletes, maximum of 20 athletes. Please email Brad Spokes at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to reserve your spot in this program.
Yoga for Triathletes and Runners
Looking to up your overall human performance? 

There are two ways to go faster: 1) Step on the gas harder or 2) Take your foot off the brake. For most triathletes/runners #1 is not a issue and is often the problem. The mentality is more is better and we beat our body into submission, when really we should be focusing in #2.

Come sign up for our Thursday Night Yoga Classes with Instructor Josh Safronetz, Baptiste Institute Yoga Instructor in training. Josh promises to leave you sweating with this style of yoga. Improve your global flexibility, breathing, and overall core strength in these 1-hour sessions. This class will be a game changer for so many athletes. Sign up today by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as there are only 6 spots left. 

18 sessions
Thursday nights from 6:15 to 7:15 at ZONE Sports Physiotherapy
Starts November 19 running until December 17, resuming January 7 until March 31. 
Cost: $240 for all 18 sessions
Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to reserve your spot in this program.

Gingerbread Run

This year's Gingerbread Run has sold out — thank you to everyone who signed up! There's still lots of space left for volunteers. You can sign up on the event website or e-mail us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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Yoga For Runners
Runner specific yoga classes are getting underway in the Brainsport Community Room. Tuesday's at 7:45 - 9 p.m. from October 13 through December 1. Cost is $112 if preregistered by October 2 or $18 per class drop-in (if room available). Class size is limited. 
There is also a 6-week Yoga For Runners workshop on Wednesday evenings from 7:45 to 9:15 starting on October 19 - November 25. Registration cost is $120. 
Register for either by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or text 306-251-2964. For more information click here

Day of the Dead Fun Run

Grab a headlamp and hit the trails at the 9th annual run. Enjoy a challenging short 5K (approximately) or long 10K (approximately) course at beautiful Blackstrap Provincial Park. The run starts at 7 p.m. on Sunday, November 1. For more information and to register, go to or pick up a registration package at Brainsport. Early-bird pricing lasts until September 30.

SRRA Prediction Mile

This annual event is at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, November 7. Register at the Fieldhouse in Meeting Room #3 upstairs at 10 a.m. Members attend for free. Non-members pay $5.
Note: Participants will be timed. Do not bring your watch.

SRRA Annual General Meeting

Saturday, November 7, 2015 at 11 a.m. at the  Saskatoon Field House (Meeting Room #3, upstairs).

SRRA's Remembrance Day Run

Wednesday, November 11 at 2 p.m. Starting at Nutana Collegiate front doors. This a 90 minute easy fun/educational run, making stops at some of Saskatoon's war memorials. There's no charge for the run, so come explore and remember those who have served. Refreshments will also be served. 
Thanks for reading the Times this week . . .gotta run . . . Tara
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Brainsport Times Nov 4, 2015
Brainsport Times Oct 21, 2015

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