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Brainsport Times Aug 03, 2016

Imagine running across Canada, solo and unsupported, and then turning around and running all the way back -- all in effort to raise funds for Alzheimer’s and breast cancer charities. That's exactly what Edward “Fast Eddy” Dostaler is doing on his "There and Back" journey across Canada. Eddy has reached Saskatchewan, andtonight he will be at Brainsport for a meet and greet between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. Come learn more about Eddy's journey, and even have a chance to run with him.  

In this week's Q&A we're speaking with Eddy to learn more about his "There and Back" journey.  
Q&A with Edward Dostaler - “Fast Eddy” 
Tara: When did you first start to think about the prospect of running across the country -- and back? 
Eddy: I started to think of it after my grandmother had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. I wanted to go one way and with a support vehicle, however when I learnt of a mentor's passing, who was a professor and advocate of Breast Cancer awareness, I said that I would go solo and unsupported there-and-back to raise more awareness and much needed research funding to the causes.
Tara: You are doing this solo. Can you explain why you decided to do this on your own, and what are the biggest challenges you've faced while out there alone?

Eddy: Solo and unsupported because the costs would be through the roof any other way, however the thought of someone being on the road for this long with me, missing work as I am, pulling in no income - it's not something a lot of people would do, nor would I ask anyone to do so. Doing this solo and unsupported gives me the ability to run at my pace, and reach more people because seriously a lot of people run and walk, across Canada, and so as a fundraiser if you want to raise funds you need to do something different. Solo and unsupported gives it that edge.

Fast Eddy picking up Saskatchewan miles along his "There and Back" run across Canada.
Tara: What are your goals for the run, personally, and for the people your raising funds for?
Eddy: The whole goal is awareness, but it is also raising funds for much-needed research funding. I think we all have an understanding that Alzheimer's and breast cancer is there. If we don't well that awareness part is for you. But if you already do, if you already knew about it, then put an end to it. Donate! It doesn't take very long to put two-dollars in. Everything stays local, everything stays in your province. Support your province. Support your country. Support the fight against Alzheimer's and breast cancer

Tara: How has your perspective of the country, and Canadians been impacted by your journey so far?

Eddy: My perspective of my country is that it is very large and at the same time very unique throughout region to region. When you're looking at Canadians as a whole we have a unique flag that we all reside under but at the same time 95 per cent of Canadians haven't even seen all of their country. I find this very, very fascinating. Canadians are amazing. We are an immigrant nation, we are Ukraine, we are British, we are French, German - we are a woven tapestry that has the best combined into people. This has allowed me to push forward when others may have stopped.
Tara: What are you hoping your evening at Brainsport brings? 
Eddy: My hope for the event is something simple, but sometimes the simple things aren't always the easiest. I 'm going to reference Malcolm Gladwell who wrote, "The Tipping Point." I'm hopping that Saskatoon has a tipping point potential for this run. As a reference would go, this is almost like being on a diet and not losing any weight. I have been doing it for 500 and some days. I'm hoping that the weight starts to come off. I'm hoping that donations, awareness, and support starts to increase in the same amount of effort in which I have been putting in. 
Fast Eddy’s “There and Back” journey across Canada
Eddy is running across the country - twice - to raise money for Alzheimer’s and Breast Cancer charities in each province - and he's doing it solo! Next Wednesday, August 3, he will be at Brainsport for a meet-and-greet before run club. To learn more, or make a donation visit: And, click here to follow Eddy's journey on Facebook.

Ryding for the STARS - STARS Air Ambulance Ryde-A-Thon

Get together a relay team of four riders and help raise funds for STARS Air Ambulance on September 10. The fundraising platform is online where pledges can be made through August. If you're interested in learning more details, or putting a team together contact Clay Sparks, Co-Creator of Breathe Cycle Studio & Advance-Tek Consulting at 306-230-1800.

Louis Riel Relay Days

The Louis Riel Relay Days is taking place at the Batoche National Historic Site, on August 20 and 21. The Batoche relay will have multi-participant teams competing in succession in six events – running, biking, hill hiking, canoeing, horseback riding and archery.

Organizers are looking for teams of 6 and individuals to compete in the inaugural, resurrected Louis Riel Relay. Every racer will receive weekend event admission and a concert ticket! The winning competitive relay team will also win a cash prize. For more information contact Carissa at 306-539-4928or visit:

Miles for Smiles

The Student Medical Society of Saskatchewan is hosting its 13th annual fundraising event onSeptember 10, 2016 - Miles for Smiles! Come out and run/walk 2.5K, or run a 5K or 10K (chip timing is available). All funds raised will go to the Children's Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan. For more information on the event go to:
Folkfest Torch Run
In celebration of this year's Olympic Games, the Greek Pavilion is putting together a torch run for opening day of Folkfest, on August 18. There will be an opening ceremony at the Greek Pavilion, followed by a torch run through all the pavilions involved in Folkfest 2016! The torch will be run all the way to City Hall, and the raising of the Folkfest flag. If you're interested in carrying the torch email Brian atThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Ultra Ethnography
Trail runners, here's an interesting opportunity! A graduate researcher out of Calgary, Ian MacNairn, is doing a study exploring the community of ultra-running. Our friend Ian Colvine brought this to our attention. The study has just moved into the online portion and would like your participation. To do so you will be guided through an online interview and questionnaire hosted through Survey Monkey. Ian (MacNairn) is hoping to have as many people as possible from the community participate and complete this online It takes approximately 1 hour to complete.
The link to the interview and questionnaire is: To learn more about Ian's project you can visit the website at:
If you are an ultrarunner, a retired ultrarunner, an aspiring ultrarunning, or participate by any other means in ultrarunning, e.g. as volunteer, race director, crew, pacer, fan, documentarian, etc. he would love to have you join!
Crown the King Openwater Swim Race
On September 5 a king will be crowned at Trippes Beach on Waskesiu Lake! Registration is throughRegistration Logics and the Prince Albert Triathlon Club.For more information visit the Crown The King Facebook page or emailThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Beaver Flat 50 - Ultra Trail Marathon
Saskatchewan's first ultra trail marathon will get underway on September 17 at Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park. With more than 2500 metres of vertical gain across 50 kilometres, there's nothing really flat about this race! The Beaver Flat 50 is a tough get-your-feet-wet, wreck-your-shins, and roll-your-ankle kind of run. For more information clickhere.
Brainsport Free Stroller Walking Club

Stay-at-home-parents, and caretakers we have a great opportunity for you to come out and meet some new people, enjoy the outdoors, and fit in some exercise. Our free Stroller Walking Club is underwayon Tuesday at 10 a.m. (weather permitting). Everyone will meet at Brainsport before heading out! 
SRRA Trail Race Series
Race #1 Saskatoon April 28 at 6:30 p.m.
Race #2 Cranberry Flats, July 17 at 9 a.m.
Race # 3 Blackstrap, September 18 at a.m.
For more information on all the races visit:

16th Annual Saskatchewan Credit Unions Queen City Marathon

The 16th Annual Saskatchewan Credit Unions Queen City Marathon takes place the weekend ofSeptember 10 & 11 in Regina. This event includes races for people of all paces. Runners and walkers are welcome in the 42.2K, 21.1K, 10K, Team Relay and 5K events. Kids, as young as three-years-old, are encouraged to participate in the Mini Marathon. For more information or to register please visit:
Product of the Week

This week's "Product of the Week" is more than one product - it's thousands of discounted shoes! Starting August 5, the Brainsport Clearance Centre pop-up store will be set up at the old Brainsport location on Broadway. Come check out all the deals to be had! 

Thanks for reading the Times this week . .  gotta run . . .Tara
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Brainsport Times Aug 10, 2016
Brainsport Times July 27, 2016

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