It's likely safe to say there's not a runner in Saskatoon who doesn't enjoy taking to the trails of Meewasin Valley. It's also likely most runners do their part to keep the trails free of trash, but there is an opportunity to do even more! Tomorrow (Thursday, April 20) everyone is welcome to meet at Brainsport at 6 p.m. to walk the river and do some cleaning up. The plan is to clean from Victoria Bridge to the start of the woodchip trail. If you're not familiar with that area, not to worry there will be lots of supports around. In this week's Q&A we're speaking with longtime runner David Buchner to learn more about this annual spring clean up and why it's so important. Q&A with David Buchner Tara: One of the great pleasures of living in, or visiting Saskatoon is running the trails of Meewasin Valley. As someone who's been a longtime...