YourSaskatoon Blogs
Brainsport Times Nov. 25, 2015
The winter weather has arrived, and quite convincingly!
As the colder weather hits we're seeing more-and-more people coming into the store to get suited up for winter running. We're also seeing a lot of people interested our uksi skirts.
If you follow us on social media you may have seen a fun photo of the designer, and founder of uksi skirts, Elizabeth Michasiw, posing with Brett Wilson, from CBC's Dragons' Den.
We often hear "it's such smart idea," and "who makes these?". So, today we're going to talk to Elizabeth and learn more about how the uksi skirt came to be, and much more.
Q&A with Elizabeth Michasiw
Tara: The uksi skirt is such a smart and unique idea. How did you come up with it and, ultimately, create the skirt as we now know it?
Elizabeth: I feel like I can’t take a lot of credit for coming up with a really creative idea because it just kind of happened. When my son was small I always seemed to be standing outside while he played for a few minutes on our way somewhere. I was freezing but I wasn’t going to wear snow pants on my way to the grocery store, or over to a friend’s house. At the time I had a skirt that I had bought at a market in Portugal that was meant to be worn as a regular skirt but it was very warm. It turned out to also be very itchy, which prevented me from wearing it. One cold day before going out with my son I decided to throw that skirt on over my clothes. I could not believe how much warmer I was. I started wearing it everyday as a piece of outerwear. I had so many women ask me about it and tell me how much they wanted one that I decided to start making them.
Tara: What is your background in fashion design, if any? And if not, how did you learn how to do it?
Elizabeth: I don’t have a background in fashion design. I was actually an engineer, but I guess I’ve always been more interested in clothing. I always had ideas about clothes that I wanted so I got a sewing machine and just started sewing.
Tara: Who do you view, as being uksi skirt's wearers? In other words, who should be trying the skirt out?
Elizabeth: Personally I wear my skirt everyday in the winter, no matter what I am doing. I feel like it can be dressed up or down. Some people wear them for dog walking while others use them over their business attire or dress.
Tara: You recently had an unexpected fitting of an UKSI with none other then Brett Wilson from CBC's Dragons' Den. How did he end up with a skirt on?
Elizabeth: We had a display at the Brett Wilson Pitch Party and I asked him to take a photo with me. He just grabbed the skirt and put it on.
Tara: What's next for the uksi skirt? Any plans for new designs? Expansion? And where can people buy the skirts, beyond Brainsport?
Elizabeth: Since my first prototype we have made a few small changes to the uksi and I am really happy with the design right now. We will always have new colours and fabrics but I want to keep the basic design the same. Uksi has done really well in Saskatoon but it would be nice to expand beyond that through my online store.
The online store is at
Upcoming Events:
Volunteers for Free Shoe Day
We're looking for people to volunteer for Free Shoe Day!
If you can help out at all during any of these shifts, it would be so appreciated. This program is very valuable in the community and we want to help out as many people as possible.
Here are the dates and times we're looking for volunteers:
- Thursday, December 3rd from 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. This will involve setting up and organizing the shoes for the next couple of days.
- Friday, December 4th from 8:30 a.m. -12 p.m. This will involve helping us fit the students of King George Community School and making sure everyone gets a great pair of shoes or boots to take home! This session is for students (closed to public), but we still need volunteers!
- Saturday, December 5th from 8:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m. This will involve helping out while we open the gym to the public! You may be asked to hand out coffee, help someone find shoes, bag and spray down the shoes with Shutout, etc. We expect a lot of people and will need a lot of volunteers on this day!
We are also asking that if you have any shoes that you don't wear anymore, but are in good shape, that you bring them by Brainsport or the New Balance store on Broadway! The more shoes we have, the more happy feet we make.
With any interest or questions, please contact Mike at
New Years Eve No Frills Chili Run
Save the date for the 4th Annual New Years Eve No Frills Chili Run.
Say goodbye to 2015 and toast in 2016!
Registration forms available at Brainsport starting December 1. Cost: $15.00 Place: Brainsport
Lighten Up! Fun Run
Get out your bells, and battery-operated l.e.d. lights. Decorate yourself for a fun run on the first day of winter. Hot beverages, and dainties post-run provided by D'lish. No fee, no registration, just fun. Bikes are welcome. Sunday, December 20 at 6:30 p.m. at d'Lish by Tish Cafe. For more information clickhere.
Fall Triathlon Training
Transition Sport and Fitness' Fall Triathlon Training Program starts this week and there are still a few spots open to Swim, Bike, & Run (with 1, 2, or 3 times per week options). All abilities welcome. If you've ever wanted to try triathlon (or perhaps receive some technical swim instruction by an international-level coach) now is your chance. Visit for more information. Or register here.
Leg Speed for Triathletes and Runners
ZONE Sports Physiotherapy's Friday Morning Track Session is a go at the Saskatoon Field House. 24 sessions, starting November 6 to December 18, resuming again January 8 to April 29.
Time: 6:45 to 7:45 a.m. Cost: $360 for all 24 sessions. Minimum of 8 athletes, maximum of 20 athletes. Please email Brad Spokes at
Empire Parkour Jam Session
Presented by New Balance Saskatoon and New Balance Saskatoon. November 29 from 6 p.m. to 9 Taiso Gymnastics 1521 Quebec Avenue. For more information click here.
Yoga for Triathletes and Runners
Looking to up your overall human performance? Come sign up for ZONE Sports Physiotherapy's Thursday Night Yoga Classes with Instructor Josh Safronetz, Baptiste Institute Yoga Instructor in training. Josh promises to leave you sweating with this style of yoga. Improve your global flexibility, breathing, and overall core strength in these one-hour sessions. Sign up today by emailing
Thursday nights from 6:15 to 7:15 at ZONE Sports Physiotherapy.
November 19 to December 17, resuming January 7 to March 31.
Cost: $240 for all 18 sessions
Yoga For Runners
This year's Gingerbread Run was a great success and tons of fun!
Thank you to everyone who participated and volunteered, including: oneSt. Mortgage and Brent Herman Reality Executives - for the medals, The City of Saskatoon - for the course, Department of Highways - for safety gear, Skratch Labs Hydration - for hot apple cinnamon drink at the 10K turn, and the U of S Kinesiology students and the Saskatchewan Abilities Council - for volunteering.
The Gingerbread Man is now in recovery mode. We'll see him again next year!

Thanks for reading the Times this week . . .gotta run . . . Tara
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