We're one week away from Valentine's Day, which also means we're one week away from the Brainsport Run and Beer Night, hosted by the Brainsport Run Club! We're expecting this to be a fun night - perfect you and a date. Or if you're flying solo this is a chance to be surrounded by a bunch of runners and beer for the evening - what more could you want on Valentine's Day! In addition to beer, Tyler from Saucony is going to be at the store with test shoes for everyone to try out on your run - plus you'll be entered to win a free pair of Saucony's! Run Club starts at the regular 6 p.m. time, with 9 Mile Legacy Brewing Company pints to be served up afterwards by the good people at Leopold's Tavern. Alright, now on to this week's Q&A. We're speaking with Rose McEwan, the regional director...