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Brainsport Times Sept. 27, 2017

It's another exciting week on the Q&A front as we're set for an interview with the winner of the Headlands 100 Miler Endurance Race - Theresa Reid! 

Last week we spoke with local runner Jen Kripki, who won the 2017 Queen City Marathon; and now this week we're fortunate to have Theresa Reid-Shea on board. She won the Headlands 100 Miler Endurance race two weekends ago in Sausalito, California!

Theresa is likely a familiar face to many of you, as she's one of the pillars of the Brainsport Run Club.

Time to hear what Theresa has to say about her big win!

Q&A with Theresa Reid-Shea

Tara: The Headlands 100 Mile Endurance Race draws in some of the top ultramarathoners from around the world. Leading into the race did you feel like you had it in you to win?

Theresa: Did I have it in me to win? Wow, that's a big question! I will have to provide a bit of history before I jump into answering this question. My 100-mile training plan began in January 2017, and the goal race was Sinister Seven - a race held in mid-July in the Crow's Nest Pass area. Although I had run portions of the race over the years, this was my first attempt at the 100 mile distance. Unfortunately, that day did not result in the outcome I was hoping for and I walked away with a "did not finish" (DNF). To say the least, it was hard to accept this outcome after the months of dedication to training. I felt a need to attempt the distance one more time before the end of the 2017 race season.

My search brought me to the Headlands Hundred. The timing was right, the course looked intriguing, the swag was top notch, and the location could not be beat, so I signed up. When you ask did I think I had it in me to win . . . my answer is no.  I just knew I had it in me to finish and I had to realize that goal.

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Racing with a smile - Theresa on her way to being the first female finisher. Photo @ChasquiRunner

Tara: Tell us about the race, which took you 27 hours and 34 seconds. How did you work through the tough times? What were the keys to it being such a success?

Theresa: There were so many great things about this race experience that ultimately led to success. First, I had my husband supporting me for the entire 27 hours. He made sure my shoes and socks were changed regularly; he sprayed me down with Tri-Glide so I would not chafe; and, he went to get me burgers, fries, McMuffins, and hash browns when I was hungry for real food.

Second, my good friend and one of my training partners, Darren, made the trip from Saskatoon to toe the line. It was awesome to be able to share the experience with another like-minded person and I am sure we will talk about the experience for years to come.

Other important factors that went well on race day included: the cool weather, the ability to tolerate food the entire time, minimal foot blistering, and quick transition times at the aid stations. During the tough times of the race I tried to distract myself with the phenomenal views and I would focus my attention on what I would need to do at the next aid station.

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Theresa on one of the many climbs over 100 miles of racing. Photo @ChasquiRunner

Tara: You put in a lot of training throughout the year as an ultramarathon runner. How do you stay healthy and stave off injury?

Theresa: In order to stay healthy and remain injury free, I would try to do long back-to-back runs. A group called the Friday Night Trail Runners meet every Friday night at the Farmer's Market at 8 p.m. These runs allowed me to get in a run on Friday night prior to the Saturday morning long run at Brainsport. I believe that cross-training (i.e., spin, yoga, weights) also played an important role in remaining healthy and staving off injury.

Tara: What are your takeaways from the race? How will this race impact your future training and race selection?

Theresa: My big takeaway from the 2017 race season is that ultra running is a humbling sport. A person can do all the right things leading up to an event, but sometimes it just isn't your day and things do not go as planned. The beauty is, if you dust yourself off and get back on the proverbial horse, everything may fall into place and you can be the first female finisher...who knew! 

In future training, I will know that laying the foundation through consistency with training is key to preparing for an event. When I am considering future races, I will definitely be thinking of races that take place in cooler climates as this seems to be a huge factor for me personally.

Tara: Your performance in Sausalito is sure to inspire the running community in Saskatoon. What does it mean to you to have this close-knit community supporting you, and whom you support in return?

Theresa: I constantly boast to anyone that will listen about the character, the dedication, the heart, and the giving nature of our running community. I feel so grateful to be part of this special group and I feel that the running community brings out the best in me. I wouldn't trade my running peeps for anything. The people I run with on a consistent basis leave me in awe and inspire me on a regular basis, so it is nice to think that I may be giving a bit back to them.

Tara: Is there anything else you would like to add?

Theresa: A fitting quote: "It always seems impossible until it is done." - Nelson Mandela.

Upcoming Events

The Operun 

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Sign up and run, or walk in support of the restoration of the historic Battleford Opera House on October 1. There's a distance for everyone at this event! Choose from the 5k, 10k, half-marathon, 21k-relay with a team of four, and the Young at Heart 2k. For more information click here

SRRA Turkey Trot


On Thanksgiving Monday (Oct. 9) come join in this fun 5k run! There's no entry fee and it's opent ot everyone. There's only one catch, no watches or GPS devices allowed. Simply guess how long it will take you to run the 5k, and whoever is closest to their projected time, wins! The prize being a free turkey with all the fixings.

Registration is at 6 p.m. and the run starts at 6:30 p.m at River Landing. For more information click here.

2017 Gingerbread Run

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Registration for this year's Gingerbread Run opens on September 29! This always-popular event is sure to sell out quickly so be sure to visit to register - and get ready to chase down Gingy on November 19! 

Choose from 5k and 10k distances, with both routes tracing along the South Saskatchewan River. Registration includes a Gingerbread Run bunnyhug, along with some sweet gingerbread treats, and warm beverages post-run. All race-profits will go to support the Saskatchewan Abilities Council/Easter Seals Saskatchewan programming including Camp Easter Seal, Summer Fun and Adaptive Technology Services. 

Brainsport Running Academy


There's still a chance to get registered for the Brainsport Running Academy Learn to Run Course! Coach, Kim Galus will be leading this eight-week course beginning on September 27. 

For more information and to register go to, or drop by the store to register. 

Fall Cross Training, Family Fitness, and Triathlon Training

Registration is now open for Transition Sport and Fitness fall programs including family-friendly fall fitness, cross training for runners and triathletes, virtual Pilates, swim skills sessions, and the fall triathlon training programs. Visit for more info or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Yoga For Runners

Come experience the benefits of yoga for runners, with the Breath Move Be instructors at Namaskar Yoga Studio - 615 2nd Avenue North. $125 pre-registered and $17 for drop in (if available space). Classes being offered from September 5 to November 7. Register by contacting http:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or text Leanne at 306-251-2964.

Product of the Week

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    Sept27 17 6

Theresa has selected Body Glide and Injinji Toe Socks to highlight this week as featured products.

"These are the top two (products) that saved me at the Headlands race. My feet certainly appreciated both products. They are must-haves for the longer distances."  Theresa Reid

Body Glide has saved its fair share of athletes over the years with its industry leading anti-chafing and blistering formula, used on many parts the body to stave off uncomfortable rubbing and friction. 

Best know as "those toe socks" Injinji's eye-catching design gives each of your toes the independence they've been looking for! 

Brainsport keeps plenty of both of these products in stock, so drop on in to snag whatever you need, or to learn more about these products.

Thanks for reading the Times this week . .  gotta run . . .Tara

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Brainsport Times Oct. 04, 2017
Brainsport Times Sept. 20, 2017

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