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Brainsport Times Oct. 25, 2017

With later sunrises and earlier sunsets, runners often find themselves running under dark skies and navigating slick terrain this time of year.

Despite the shorter days and less than ideal weather conditions, the fall and winter seasons are still a beautiful time to run in Saskatoon. The key is to make sure you're taking proper measures to stay safe and injury free.

In this week's Q&A we're going to speak with Brainsport manager Lisette Schermann to get the scoop on ways to help you run safe and stay healthy this season.

Q&A with Lisette Schermann

Tara: As the days getting shorter and shorter, runners often find themselves with no choice other than to put their miles in under the dark sky. What are some must-have accessories for staying safe on those dark runs?

Lisette: We talk about visibility a lot. Without going into much detail, it refers to several things. There’s being visible to traffic and there’s lighting up your path, so you can see where you’re running. Depending on where you run, streetlights might be enough for you to see by and you might not need a light at all. If you run anywhere near or on roads, though, you definitely need to take steps to be visible to traffic.

Reflective materials save lives. That can be reflective prints on your favorite running gear, or it can be LED lights you add to your outfit. And more is better. Some runners are dangerously modest.

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Lisette's sporting Nathan reflective gear to ensure she is visible to those driving vehicles, or riding bicycles. Photo supplied by T2 Social Media.

Tara: Beyond safety products, what else can runners do to help keep safe in the dark fall/winter seasons?

Lisette: I have a couple of small rituals that I do to make me feel more confident on long, wintery runs. I carry a bank card, in case I need a hot drink and/or a cab ride back to the start. If I’m not going to be near warm public places, I’ll carry a space blanket so I can keep warm if I have to stop or walk. I always let somebody know where I’m running and when I expect to be back.

Tara: It's not just a lack of light this time of year that can make running outdoors challenging, but it's also the terrain. It's often wet, slick and frosty. Do you have any tips for avoiding injuries?

Lisette: It’s too soon to break out spiked footwear, but there are outsoles like the Vibram Ice+ outsole that start to work on frosty pavement. We’ve got runners from Saucony and hiking shoes from Merrell that use it.

Lighting your way with a headlamp is a great hands-free way to improve your confidence in dim light. You can catch the shine of wet or icy pavement. This morning I saw the eyes of a fox reflected in my headlamp.

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Lisette taking to the darkening trails wearing a bright shirt. Photo supplied by T2 Social Media

Tara: The Brainsport Run Club provides an excellent option for running in a group, which has its many advantages during the colder, darker seasons. Would you mind elaborating on this?

Lisette: The buddy system works! If you’re uncomfortable running by yourself in dim or slippery conditions, Run Club is an excellent option. They won’t exactly catch you if you fall, but they’ll make sure you make it back safely. A group of friendly faces is also the best possible kind of motivation when the days get short and it gets hard to face the cold alone.

Tara: Is there anything else you would like to add?

Lisette: Most people that run in the winter tell me that the hardest part is getting out the door. It’s a big mental hurdle to leave your cozy home, in the dark, and face the elements. It’s so worth it, though. Winter running is all about bold scenery, little adventures, and a lot of warmth. Warmth from a good workout, good friends, maybe a yummy hot drink when you’re done. I don’t think there’s an easier way to enjoy being outside in the winter. 

Upcoming Events

SRRA Remembrance Day Run 

Join SRRA member, Murray Gross and SRRA volunteers for an easy-pace 4k run through Saskatoon, in remembrance of those who have served in Canada's Armed Forces. This year there will be some unique readings and discussion including peace and pacifism, the War of 1812 and Dr. Norman Betune/the Spanish Civil War.

There is no charge for this fun, educational and moving run. Refreshments will be served at the end of the run. 

Start time is 2 p.m. on November 11, at Wolf Willow Co-Housing, 350 Avenue J South (at 17th Street and Avenue J, near King George School). For more information email Murray, at  Murray at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Saskatchewan Aboriginal Track & Field Championships

Registration is now open for the 10th Annual Saskatchewan Aboriginal Track & Field Championships, being held on March 2 and March 3 at the Saskatoon Field House.

Visit for more information, and for details on how to register to compete, or volunteer. 

New Balance Canada & Brainsport Initiative: Child of the Cross Running Clinics

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There's still time left to get in on this fabulous initiative! For every pair of New Balance shoes purchased at Brainsport during the month of October, New Balance Canada will donate a pair of shoes to Child of the Cross Running Clinics.

Fall Cross Training, Family Fitness, and Triathlon Training

Registration is now open for Transition Sport and Fitness fall programs including family-friendly fall fitness, cross training for runners and triathletes, virtual Pilates, swim skills sessions, and the fall triathlon training programs. Visit for more info or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Yoga For Runners

Come experience the benefits of yoga for runners, with the Breath Move Be instructors at Namaskar Yoga Studio - 615 2nd Avenue North. $125 pre-registered and $17 for drop in (if available space). Classes being offered from September 5 to November 7. Register by contacting http:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or text Leanne at 306-251-2964.

Product of the Week

Nathan Light Bender RX

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"My pick for the product of the week is the Light Bender RX from Nathan. It’s an adjustable arm band that can fit over any sized jacket or sleeve and it’s rechargeable." Lisette Schermann 

In addition to the Nathan Light Bender RX, Brainsport has plenty of other accessories in-stock to help keep you visible while out there on the run. Drop by the store and speak with someone about what's going to work best for you. 


Thanks for reading the Times this week . .  gotta run . . .Tara

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Brainsport Times Nov. 1, 2017
Brainsport Times Oct. 18, 2017

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