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Brainsport Times May. 16, 2018

We're less than two weeks away from the Saskatchewan Marathon! On May 27 many of you will be taking to the streets to show your stuff after months of training. 

In this week's Q&A we're talking to Brainsport Manager Lisette Schereman to get some advice on everything from nutrition to gear before the big day.

So, let's get right to it!  

Q&A with Lisette Schermann

Tara: As the Saskatchewan Marathon fast approaches the store gets busy with runners making final preparations for the big day. One of the primary questions people have is around fueling. With so many different options out there, can you help break some it down?

Lisette: It takes training to know how to eat and drink on the run. Hopefully, racers in the full and half marathon events have been incorporating it into their long runs for some time now. But, sometimes runners don’t think about nutrition until they start to experience the really long training runs.

Everybody's different, but generally, we all carry around enough fuel in our body for about 90 minutes of activity before the dreaded bonk.” If you can finish your event in less time than that, good for you, focus on great nutrition in the days leading up to the race and hydrate enough to cover your thirst on race day.

If your run will be more than 90 minutes, you’ve got to plan to eat. The race will have Gu gels on the course and you might want to carry a couple with you just in case. Always drink water when you use a gel, or your gut will need to steal water from the rest of your body to digest the food.

Do your best to eat great the whole week before the race and don’t make any major changes to your routine. Hydrate lots. The day before the race, eat like a little kid: avoid fatty, spicy and high-fibre foods.

Be confident you're ready to line up on the start line on race day - come by the store and speak with any one of our staff if you have questions about shoes, gear, nutrition, etc. Photo supplied

Talk a bit about shoes. What should people be considering when it comes to their footwear at this point - less than two weeks out?

Lisette: It’s not too late to get new shoes if your old ones are starting to show the miles, but don’t wait! You’ll want to have some time to get used to them before the race.

Tara: What are some last-minute items at the store that people might want to check out?

Lisette: If you don’t already own some skin lubricant like Body Glide, it’s a good idea to pick some up. The weather’s getting warmer, shorts and tanks are coming out and there’s more risk of chafing from skin-on-skin friction. I also think that every runner needs a great hat. When your face is protected from the sun, wind and rain, your neck and shoulder muscles will feel more relaxed. In long races, that makes a big difference.

Tara: If there were one piece of advice you could give runners this year, what would it be?

Lisette: Don’t go out too fast. You’ve probably heard that advice before, but even super experienced runners can mess it up. Don’t pay attention to the people around you in the first few kilometres of the race, because they’re probably going out too fast. Also, if it’s damp that morning, a garbage bag makes a great disposable rain jacket.

Tara: Is there anything else you would like to add?

Lisette: Remember that nobody runs alone. We rely on friends, family, co-workers, health-care practitioners and sometimes total strangers to get us through training and racing. Remember to say thank-you to the people that help you take on these adventures.

Upcoming Events


Learn to Run Course (Teen Challenge Freedom Run) 
Join coaches Tarrant Cross Child and Rilla Johnson in our interactive and fun-filled Learn To Run training course for the Teen Challenge Freedom Run. Expert guest speakers will be presenting on proper running technique and injury prevention, nutritional needs and other important topics specific to runners.

This course will get you ready for the Teen Challenge Freedom Run 5K being held on Sunday, August 19. The course begins Monday, June 25 and ends Monday, August 13/18. For more information and to register go to

Summer Tune-Up Course
Starting June 12 through  Sept. 4 Brainsport Run Academy will be opening some spots for the Summer Tune-up Course with Coach Pat Somerville. These will be hard training sessions designed to get you ready for the fall racing season.

If you're interested call Brainsport at 306-244-0955 and speak with Harvey. Or email Harvey at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. There will be limited openings for this course because of the large group already.

Saskatchewan Marathon


The 40th Annual Saskatchewan Marathon event takes place on May 27! There's still plenty of time to get registered and train for your event, whether it be the 5K, 10K, half-marathon or marathon. This is sure to be an exciting weekend featuring a pasta dinner, race expo and some of the best road racing in the province! To learn more about the event, including how to volunteer go to

Beads of Courage Colour Festival Fun Run

On Sunday, June 3 get out for a fun run and get covered in colour along with your friends and family! Beads of Courage is an Arts in Medicine program that supports children and infants living with chronic or life-threatening conditions by awarding them with glass beads each time they endure a medical test, procedure, or surgery.

The 5K family-oriented fun walk/run will get you covered with colour to symbolize the colourful beads these children earn and support Beads of Courage-Canada programming.  All funds raised go towards Saskatchewan programming. For more information and to register go to:

Saskatoon Triathlon Club - Volunteers

There are several opportunities to delve into the triathlon scene this summer as a volunteer. The STCI is looking for volunteers for the following races:

- Sask Marathon water station Sunday, May 27
- Brainsport Kids of Steel Saturday, June 16
- Living Sky Triathlon Saturday, June 23 - June 24

To volunteer email STCI Volunteers: http:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

SIGA’s Second Annual Good Food Run

On June 10, the Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority (SIGA) is hosting its second annual fun run in support of CHEP: Good Food Inc. Presented by SIGA’s Long Runners, participants can choose between a 1K, 5K or 10K run. There are finisher medals for all participants! Family entertainment, water stations, swag and after-race snacks and refreshments provided. Registration is now open! To register or donate go to

RIKI Walkathon 50th Year Celebration

The RIKI Walkathon is celebrating its 50th year on June 9. The entire family is welcome to come walk 22 miles along scenic Pike Lake. Gate fees are being waved for participants, and there will be refreshments and awards for the top fundraiser after the walk. All funds raised this year will go to the Riversdale Kiwanis Club. For more information about this event click here.

Canada Beer Run

The Canada Beer run is going coast to cost this year, hitting eight cities across the country, including Saskatoon! On June 3 the run stops in Saskatoon! Run your way through 10K making stops at six breweries along the way!
For more information about this event visit

Product of the Week

Ciele GoCap

May16 18 1

As Lisette pointed out in our Q&A a running hat can go a long way in keeping you comfortable throughout a marathon. When it comes to running hats Ciele is top notch. The GoCap is an excellent choice for runners; it's lightweight, machine washable, packable and uses ultra-breathable COOLwick mesh. Ciele is a Montreal-based company committed to quality.

Thanks for reading the Times.

Gotta run,

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Brainsport Times May. 23, 2018
Brainsport Times May. 9, 2018

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