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Brainsport Times July 25, 2018

We're talking nutrition and hydration in this week's Times! Yes, it deserves an exclamation point because this topic, or aspect of the sport of running, can be tricky and overwhelming. Where does one start? There are so many products, so many brands, and so many different bodies reacting in so many different ways. To help make sense of it all we're speaking with Brainsport's Lisette Schermann. You may recall Lisette touched on this topic in an interview a while back. In fact, that interview sparked the idea to do another interview with her solely about nutrition/hydration. Lisette has a ton of valuable knowledge and insights for us, so let's get right to it! Q&A with Lisette SchermannTara: Trying to figure out proper nutrition/hydration for race day can be one of the trickier pieces to the race-day puzzle. There are so many product options out there. Where do you recommend a person starts if they have little or no experience with race nutrition?

Lisette: Awesome first question! There’s so much nutrition information available, it’s tough to figure out what’s important and what isn’t. A good place to begin is to make sure that you’re eating and hydrating well outside of your workouts. If you go into a workout dehydrated, no product is going to be able to change that. In fact, you might react badly to a product that would otherwise work well. If you want some expert direction with your diet, don’t waste your time online, consult with a Registered Dietitian, preferably one who works with athletes.

Once you’re confident your general nutrition game is strong, you can start thinking about food and drink for on the run. You have two goals: staying hydrated, and making sure your body has easy-to-access fuel during your workout. Tara: Gels, chews, mixes, etc. What are the differences between these products? For example, is a chew superior to a gel for certain distances? Lisette: If you keep those two goals in mind (staying hydrated and easy-to-access fuel), the products available start to make sense. Hydration products replace electrolytes to help you best use the water you drink. Some, like Nuun, have no food value and some, like Skratch, count as fuel as well. Fuel products are the biscuits, bars, gu’s and chews. They should be tasty, easy to eat during a run and easy to digest because your ability process food is diminished during a workout. The distance you’re running will affect your food choices too. A run or race shorter than 90 minutes might not require food at all, just hydration; 90 minutes to a marathon, you’ll want quick energy, mostly carbohydrates; beyond marathon, people starting more “real” food like sandwiches, tortillas, even meatballs (we don’t sell meatballs).

July25 18 1
Get your race-day hydration/nutrition 
dialed in long before the big day, says Lisette. This will go a long way in preventing any mishaps. Photo suppliedTara: What are some of the products you recommend for people who have had a difficult time finding nutrition that works well for them; for those who perhaps get a sluggish or sick feeling? Lisette: Be prepared to try a variety of flavors, textures, and products before you find the right mix. That’s one reason why you want to start training with food and drink early, many weeks before your race. If you get it right, you’ll actually look forward to eating and drinking during your run, you won’t spend an unreasonable amount of time in the washrooms, you won’t have to worry about muscle cramps or “bonking” on race day. If you feel sick or sluggish after feeding, go all the way back to your food and drink 12 hours before your run and try a different combination. Tara: Is there anything else you would like to add?Lisette: Always have a drink after eating a gel, chew or bar. This is super important. If you don’t have access to something to drink, stop eating until you do. Your digestive system needs a lot of water to work properly.

Upcoming Events

Brainsport Running Academy


Learn to Run at Wanuskewin Heritage Park: Get the basics down this summer over a 7-week long course leading into the Race Against Racism on September 22.

The course starts on Saturday, August 11, 2018. Sessions will take place along the great trails at Wanuskewin Heritage Park! To register go to Against RacismOn September 22 join your community for a run that brings together people from all over Saskatoon from various communities, with unique backgrounds, religions, cultures, sexual orientations, ages, and ethnicities. Everyone comes together to achieve a common goal; to provide a positive, safe environment to live in harmony and show that Saskatoon will not accept racism. Runners, walkers, and rollers have the choice to participate in the 2.5K, 5K, 10K or half marathon. To learn more and to register click here. Teen Challenge Freedom Run 


Runners and walkers of all fitness levels will join together for our Teen Challenge Freedom Run on August 19. This 5K fun run is in support of the Teen Challenge Prairie Hope Women's Centre. Whether you are a seasoned runner or first-time participant, end your summer with a healthy living challenge and support a great cause fighting addiction across Saskatchewan. To register click here.AIESEC's Run for Good Health and Well-being with support from Brainsport and Affinity Insurance, AIESEC Saskatoon will be hosting a community run on August 12 in Victoria Park. All proceeds of the event will be donated to the Jim Pattison Children's Hospital. Entry fee for each participant is $30. This includes single admission into a race of your choice and a free run t-shirt. Distance options are one mile, 5K and 10K. Registration is open until August 12 at 9 a.m. Click here to register. And, to find out more about the event click here.GMS Queen City MarathonQueencity
Take part in one of the province's premier road races on the weekend of September 7 at the Queen City Marathon. There are distance options ranging from the kid's 1K through to the full marathon, along with relay options. To learn more and to register click here.EY River Run Classicruverrun
The EY River Run Classic is one of the premier running events in Saskatoon. This event is organized by the Saskatoon Road Runners Association and consists of 5K, 10K, and half-marathon distances. The routes run along the South Saskatchewan River, making for a beautiful route. For more information click here. Triathlon Movie Screening"We Are Triathletes" is screening across Canada this summer. On August 9 Transition Sport & Fitness is hosting the Saskatoon screening at the Galaxy Theatre. Everyone is welcome. Come for a fun night in a cinema full of triathletes, endurance enthusiasts, and their pals.Watch the trailer here: Tickets are on sale now, (organizers are asking people to please buy tickets in advance as they need 50 people to guarantee the movie can screen). Use the code "TriClub18" to receive 10% off your tickets if you reserve them before July 11. Click herefor tickets. And, join the Facebook Event Page here. Voodoo Fitness FestivalMusselVoodo
In September Saskatoon will play host to the Voodoo Fitness Festival - the largest fitness competition in Canada. There are divisions for all levels of athletes, so if CrossFit is up your alley be sure to check out the website to learn more. of the WeekNuun HydrationJuly25 18 2
Nuun hydration tablets have been a staple at Brainsport for many years - and for good reason - it's a product that works well for a lot of people. Nuun's easily dissolvable tablets provide must-have electrolytes using clean ingredients; giving it a light flavor and making it easy on the stomach. Nuun comes in a variety of flavors and has caffeine and caffeine-free options as well. 

Thanks for reading the Times.

Gotta run,

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Brainsport Times Aug 1, 2018
Brainsport Times July 18, 2018

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