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Brainsport Times Feb. 22, 2017

In this week's Times we're talking hill training . . . wait don't stop reading . . . it's not as bad as you think! Believe it or not hills can be a lot fun and a super rewarding workout, especially if you find the right group to train with. 

For anyone who's been around Brainsport long enough, you've likely heard about a group of runners who go out and tackle hills every Monday evening. In today's Q&A we're going to speak with one of those runner - Dave Stark, and learn more about this opportunity to join a great group of runners for a great workout!

Q&A with Dave Stark

Tara: Let’s start by getting a bit of a rundown on this group of hill-bound athletes. How did it get started? What’s it all about?

Dave: There's no denying that a regular workout on hills can be a great benefit to even the recreational runner. With that in mind, a group of friends training for the half marathon and marathon events in the Saskatchewan Marathon many years ago, incorporated hill repeats into their weekly workout. This group of five to ten friends didn't stop the workouts after the marathon, because it seems there was always an event for which one of the regular gang was training. The routine is the same each week: one mile warm-up and cool-down with three to five 350 meter hill repeats in the middle. In about one hour, we cover about 7K. The hill is a 5 to 15 percent grade.

Tara: Is there a level of fitness one should have before taking on this workout?

Dave: It's so much easier doing these tough workouts in a group - there is strength among friends!  The regular group member's speeds and fitness levels has a wide range. All levels are easily accommodated because the workout is always the same: same start, same finish and always an out-and-back route.

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Smiles all around for this group of hill runners. Photo supplied


Tara: How has this weekly workout benefited you and others over the years?

Dave: Those who have been doing this hill workout over the years all agree that it has helped with their performance in the events they've entered. There's definite improvements in overall speed, endurance and in the finishing kick in an event.

Tara: What time and where does the group meet? And, do you go no matter what the weather conditions?

Dave: The hill gang meets every Monday, year round at 6:30 p.m., always at McPherson Avenue and Saskatchewan Crescent. There isn't a day that there won't be at least six runners out, regardless of the weather. In fact, over the years, a rule of sorts has evolved to reward the group's intrepid nature: the rule of 25's. If the windchill is less than -25°C, there's hot chocolate after. If the temperature is greater than plus 25°C, the group goes for ice cream.

Tara: Is there anything else you would like to add?

Dave: As long as we can put one foot in front of the other, at any speed, this group will continue to meet and reap the benefit of a hill workout. There's no cost, obligation or affiliation - although most of the runners are Saskatoon Road Runners Association members. All are welcome to join us.


Breath Move Be Yoga - Spring Tune Up!

Starting on March 14 and going through May 16, Breath Move Be is offering runner specific youg at Namaskar Yoga Studio (615 2nd Avenue North). Cost is $120 if pre-registered. There will also be a $17 drop-in option if room in class. Pre-register by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or text Leanne at 306-251-2964.

Canadian Western Short Track Championships

This March Saskatonian business people have the opportunity to sponsor the next generation of potential Olympians! The Saskatoon Lion's Speed Skating club is hosting the Canadian Western Short Track Championships on March 18-19 at the SaskTel Centre. There will be 128 of the best short track speed skaters in western Canada at this competition.

To successfully host this event, the club is looking for sponsors to help with the many costs associated with hosting an event of this caliber such as food for volunteers and athletes, timing equipment and rental fees. Sponsors will have their company logo placed along the crash mats for anyone that supports this event. If you, or someone you know may be interested in supporting this event, please contact
http:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


200 Hour International Yoga Teacher Training  

The Living Well Centers is offering 200 Hour International Yoga Teacher Training starting on April April 4. Deepen your yoga knowledge and practice. Strengthen your spiritual connection. Become a yoga instructor.

Training consists of five modules in total, each focusing on different elements of yoga teacher development. Each module includes roughly 40 hours of instruction, personal practice and mandatory homework.

For more information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 480-250-5867.

Brainsport Running Academy - Spring Courses

Below are brief descriptions of this year's spring courses. For more information, including dates and registration go to: Spots still available in some courses that have already started - inquire for more information on all courses.

10k Course:

Coached by Tarrant Cross Child, this will be an engaging and interactive course. Tarrant will bring both his knowledge of running, and his personal desire to see people excel to the group. This course is designed to take you to a new level of running and is geared at the beginner and established runner. Tarrant will have a training program for everyone.

Learn To Run Course:

Coached by Cara Mazurak, the Learn To Run course is designed to accommodate those from a non-running background, or someone coming back to running after an extended time away. This is an 8-week course, which will culminate with a 5k race. The Learn to Run course will give you a solid foundation for your future running goals.

Virtual Pilates and Virtual Rides

For runners looking for some great recovery, strengthening, and cross-training options, Transition is now offering pilates and cycling from the comfort of your own home. These interactive live web-streamed classes are unique in that. if you choose to have your webcam Coach Carly can see you and correct technique and interact.

Join live: Pilates for Strength, Recovery and Injury Prevention (Monday nights 6:30 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. For more information click on the link.

For those with an at-home trainer Virtual Rides take place Sunday mornings. Click the link for more information.

Brainsport Shoe Donation Progtram  

Brainsport Donation

The Brainsport Shoe Donation Program has received a request for basketball shoes. If you have gently-used basketball shoes please consider dropping them off at the store for donation. They will go a long way in making sure no child is left sitting on the bench because they don't have proper footwear.

Just Tri-It - Triathlon Training

Ladies, have you ever wondered what it would be like to do a triathlon? Are you looking for a fun and challenging spring training program? The Just Tri-it program gives you eight weeks - starting on March 19 - of swim, bike and run training, plus entry into the
Makin It Happen Triathlon, where you can show off your new skills. Registration is now open, and it always sells out! Learn more and register click here.

Brainsport Brainfreeze


The 9th Annual Brainfreeze, in support of the U of S Cross Country Team, is set for Sunday March 5, 2017! This year there will be the addition of a 5K race, along with the 10K and half-marathon distances. Start time is 10 a.m. in front of Brainsport (also the finish). Register by going to

Breath Move Be - Yoga for Runners

Drop-in is available for 2017 classes. Contact Leanne, below, for more information.
Breath Move Be is back with more yoga for runners in the new year. Join in this runner-specific yoga class starting January 10 through February 28. Classes will be held at Namaskar Yoga Studio on Tuesday nights from 6:05 to 7:05. For more information and to register email Leanne at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or text 306-251-2964.

Triathlon Training

Transition Sport and Fitness is offering Distance Group, or Personalized Coaching for anyone wanting to take their swim, bike, or run training to the next level. 
 www.transitionsportandfitness.cafor more info on all programs.



Every week, at one of Saskatoon's community schools, volunteers and children come together for a running and reading program called Start2Finish. The program aims to break the cycle of poverty by providing ongoing educational support to Saskatoon's at-risk children. You run, read, and share a word of the day with the group of kids. Start2Finish not only allows you the opportunity to give back to the community, and gain a rewarding experience, but also allows you to help children grow in a positive way. If you are interested in giving a couple hours of your time email
 http:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or http:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.For more information on the program go to

Product of the Week

Brooks Caldera

Feb22 17 2

Brainsport is now stocking the latest in trail shoes from Brooks - the Caldera! This shoe will take you the distance up the hills, around the bends and back home in comfort. It's a responsive ride that will keep you gliding through those tough trails, while also providing support for fatiguing legs and feet. Come check out the Caldera and feel for yourself Brooks' newest offering for the trails! 

Thanks for reading the Times this week . .  gotta run . . .Tara

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Brainsport Times Mar. 1, 2017
Brainsport Times Feb. 15, 2017

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