For two straight weeks we had the pleasure of watching the world's best athletes perform at the Rio Olympics. It's sad to see it end, but the spirit of the Games will certainly live on; and we won't forget the outstanding showing by our Canadian athletes.
There's no telling how many future Olympians were inspired by these Games, but we can be sure they will be popping up in the years to come. It was fun to watch as the Canadian women really stood out this year, and undoubtedly caught the attention of young women here in Saskatoon, and across the country.
One of those young women looking to the Games over the past two weeks was Shayna Uhryn. If you haven't already heard about Shayna, she's a very talented and accomplished young runner who's already made her mark on the Saskatchewan running scene. In this week's Q&A we're going to get to know more about Shayna.
Q&A with Shayna Uhryn
Tara: To say you've had a successful high school running career is an understatement, having won all twelve of the city championship events you ever raced in, plus multiple provincial titles. As you move on to run for the University of Saskatchewan, what are your thoughts on your running journey so far?
Shayna: Having only began distance running in high school I am very proud of all that I have accomplished so far. My coach, Randi-lee Loshack has been with me since day one and has developed me into the runner I am today. I can't wait to see what is in store for me at the university level!
Tara: You ran both track and cross country at Tommy Douglas Collegiate. Do you know what events you will be focusing at the U of S?
Shayna: I'm a member of the cross country and track and field team. In cross country it is a six kilometre race and in track my plan is to focus on the longer distance events.
Shayna running cross country for Tommy Douglas Collegiate.
Tara: What are you most looking forward to about making the move to the CIS level?
Shayna: I'm definitely looking forward to the competition. I can't wait to have the opportunity to race against some elite athletes across Canada. The intense races will hopefully push me to some personal bests.
Tara: Was the U of S always your first choice for university? If so, for what reasons?
Shayna: My options were always open but in the end my decision came down to the University of Saskatchewan. I decided to attend the U of S because of my future education plans and of my strong support at home.
Tara: Before we wrap up, let's touch on the Olympics. Were there any particular performances that inspired you? Can you see yourself running on the international stage in the future?
Shayna: It's so hard to pick one, as every race was so inspiring to watch. However, the one that caught my attention was Brianne Theisen-Eaton in the heptathlon. She's proof that anyone from Saskatchewan is capable of making it to the Olympics. I've always dreamed of running on the international stage. Maybe one day, I'll make it a reality.
Yoga For Runners with BreathMoveBe
Have you ever considered working yoga into your training routine? This is your opportunity to join a yoga class designed specifically for runners.
There are two eight-week options available this fall:
Wednesdays, September 14 to November 2 from 7:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. at the Brainsport Community Room.
Tuesdays, September 13 to November 1 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Namaskar Yoga Studio (615 2nd Avenue North).
Contact Leanne at
Family-Friendly Fall Fitness
These sessions are designed for runners, triathletes, and non-athletes who want to gain strength, alignment, and fitness using TRX suspension straps, pilates-based exercises, medicine balls, and cardio-strength circuits. Participating as a family isn't a requirement, but there will be an emphasis on making sure children will have fun and learn too.
Sessions are lead by Carly Priebe, a Certified Exercise Physiologist with a Ph.D. in Kinesiology and more than 10 years experience coaching and training (she's also the mom to two energetic little ones). For more information go,
Ninth Annual KinSpin Run, Walk & Roll!
The U of S College of Kinesiology is hosting its 9th Annual Kinspin 1K and 5K event on Saturday, September 17 at 10 a.m. at the U of S Bowl. Proceeds from the event are directed to special needs programming within the College of Kinesiology. For more information and to register go to
Wapiti Bush Run 2
If you're up for a race outside of Saskatoon later this month (August 28) check out this event hosted by the Tisdale Track Club and Melfort X-C Ski Club. Run 5.5K or 8.5K and receive a Wapiti Bush Run collectors item and a "unique bush lunch" and refreshment. For more information go to:
Ryding for the STARS - STARS Air Ambulance Ryde-A-Thon
Get together a relay team of four riders and help raise funds for STARS Air Ambulance on September 10. The fundraising platform is online where pledges can be made through August. If you're interested in learning more details, or putting a team together contact Clay Sparks, Co-Creator of Breathe Cycle Studio & Advance-Tek Consulting at 306-230-1800.
Louis Riel Relay Days
The Louis Riel Relay Days is taking place at the Batoche National Historic Site, on August 20 and 21. The Batoche relay will have multi-participant teams competing in succession in six events – running, biking, hill hiking, canoeing, horseback riding and archery.
Organizers are looking for teams of 6 and individuals to compete in the inaugural, resurrected Louis Riel Relay. Every racer will receive weekend event admission and a concert ticket! The winning competitive relay team will also win a cash prize. For more information contact Carissa at 306-539-4928 or visit:
Miles for Smiles
The Student Medical Society of Saskatchewan is hosting its 13th annual fundraising event on September 10, 2016 - Miles for Smiles! Come out and run/walk 2.5K, or run a 5K or 10K (chip timing is available). All funds raised will go to the Children's Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan. For more information on the event go to:
Crown the King Openwater Swim Race
On September 5 a king will be crowned at Trippes Beach on Waskesiu Lake! Registration is through Registration Logics and the Prince Albert Triathlon Club. For more information visit the Crown The King Facebook page or email
Beaver Flat 50 - Ultra Trail Marathon
Saskatchewan's first ultra trail marathon will get underway on September 17 at Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park. With more than 2500 metres of vertical gain across 50 kilometres, there's nothing really flat about this race! The Beaver Flat 50 is a tough get-your-feet-wet, wreck-your-shins, and roll-your-ankle kind of run. For more information click here.
Brainsport Free Stroller Walking Club
SRRA Trail Race Series
Race #1 Saskatoon April 28 at 6:30 p.m.
Race #2 Cranberry Flats, July 17 at 9 a.m.
Race # 3 Blackstrap, September 18 at a.m.
For more information on all the races visit:
16th Annual Saskatchewan Credit Unions Queen City Marathon
The 16th Annual Saskatchewan Credit Unions Queen City Marathon takes place the weekend of September 10 & 11 in Regina. This event includes races for people of all paces. Runners and walkers are welcome in the 42.2K, 21.1K, 10K, Team Relay and 5K events. Kids, as young as three-years-old, are encouraged to participate in the Mini Marathon. For more information or to register please visit:
Product of the Week
Bonk Breaker Real Hydration Mix

You may already be familiar with this company, as it has brought you the highly functional and oh-so-tasty Bonk Breaker Bar. We're happy to report Brainsport is now stocking a Bonk Breaker Hydration Mix that measures up to the Bonk Breaker reputation. This hydration mix is made with real fruit and all natural ingredients, and is certified organic. With low-calorie profile, this hydration mix leaves you with enough room to still fit in a Bonk Breaker Bar or chews without risking an upset stomach.
Thanks for reading the Times this week . . gotta run . . .Tara